What is the Average Income of People Living on Main Street in Belton, Missouri?

Are you curious about the average income of people living on Main Street in Belton, Missouri? This article will provide you with all the information you need to know about the economic and commercial data of this city. Belton, Missouri is a city located in Cass County. It has a population of around 10,000 people and is known for its historic tornado activity. The tornado activity in the area is slightly above the average for the state of Missouri. The poverty rate in Belton, Missouri is higher than the national average.

According to the US Census Bureau, approximately 15% of the population lives below the poverty line. This means that many people living on Main Street in Belton are likely to have a lower than average income. The economic and commercial data of Belton, Missouri can provide more insight into the average income of people living on Main Street. The US Census Bureau reports that the accommodation and food services industry accounts for around 10% of total employment in Belton. This suggests that many people living on Main Street are likely to be employed in this sector and may have an average income that is lower than other industries. The waste management industry also accounts for a significant portion of employment in Belton, Missouri.

The US Census Bureau states that this industry accounts for around 8% of total employment in Belton. This indicates that many people living on Main Street may be employed in this sector and may have an average income that is lower than other industries. In addition to these industries, there are also many small businesses located on Main Street in Belton, Missouri. These businesses may employ a few people and may provide an average income that is lower than other industries. Overall, it is difficult to determine the exact average income of people living on Main Street in Belton, Missouri. However, it is likely that many people living on Main Street have an average income that is lower than other industries due to the high poverty rate and the prevalence of certain industries such as accommodation and food services and waste management.

Lola Shoman
Lola Shoman

Subtly charming social media guru. Freelance baconaholic. Incurable bacon nerd. Lifelong internet aficionado. Amateur food maven. Friendly web geek.